Optimize the website, increase traffic, & produce boosted results. Expand your business with an effective Keyword Research strategy.
Behind every critically search-engine-optimized website, three principal ranking factors are vital to dominate search: on-page search engine optimization (SEO), domain authority, and SEO keyword research.
Keyword research is essential to any SEO strategy that locates and evaluates search phrases people type into search engines. It occurs with their intention to utilize that information for a specific purpose, typically for search engine optimization (SEO) or general marketing.
Significance of Keyword Research
Keyword research assists in determining which keywords to target and gives vital insight into the questions our target audience is searching for on Google. The insights gained from these actual search phrases can guide your content strategy and overall marketing plan.
Types of Keywords
Optimizing content via keyword research is not enough. Instead, the type of keywords integrated determines whether the website brings valuable traffic. Hence, learning the types of keywords is equally integral to successful website optimization via keyword research. These are:
Generic Keywords
Also known as short-tail keywords, these will isolate a topic but restrict any additional details simultaneously. It is suggested to stay away from these during keyword research due to the high competition, and with no idea about the user’s search intent, the conversion rate could be shallow.
Examples: Book, Rack, Shoe
Brand Keywords
Recognized as a self-explanatory type in keyword research, these include words or phrases that work as a voice of the brand while describing the product they offer.
Examples: J.K Rowling’s Book, Nike Shoes, Samsung Mobile Phones
Broad Keywords
Broad keywords employ specificity to the keyword research with room for minute interpretation. The users using general keywords certainly have decided about what they’re looking for but with some skepticism in mind. However, these keywords are more promising with less traffic and competition.
Examples: Righteous Children’s books, Chic Sunglasses, Posh Residential Areas
Exact Keywords
Exact keywords depict that the searcher knows precisely what they want. This type is ideal for optimization since it often converts well and has a large search volume, except for high competition.
Examples: Harry Potter book reviews, best running shoes, recommended men’s apparel brand
Long-tail Keywords
Generally, long-tail keywords lead all the types for effective keyword research and overall search engine optimization. They come with comparatively lesser competition and search volume but high conversion levels, hence, just the right balance.
Examples: Which jogging shoes are the athletes, which children’s books are best for ages 7-10
Buyer Keywords
Such keywords are attached to the user’s intention to buy the product/service. Buyer keywords can elevate your business game to extraordinary heights if it fits your corporate needs.
Examples: Buy the best children’s apparel, Android Phone Discount
Tyre Kicker Keywords
Such keywords emphasize that the user is not willing to spend bucks. The businesses are not getting an advantage from the searcher using these keywords.
Examples: Philips Vacuum Cleaner exchange, Download patriotic songs, free flip flops
Some Important Keyword Tools
The importance of keyword tools is never overstated. It is indeed the essence of a great keyword research strategy.
Although there are certainly hundreds of programs designed just for keyword research, you must include the following:
- SEMrush
- Moz
- Ahrefs
- Keywords Everywhere
- Google Keyword Planner
- KWFinder
- Ubersuggest
- io
- SECockpit
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